The Miracle of Essential Oils and Their Uses

May 12, 2023

The many uses of essential oils dates all the way back to ancient times. Their broad variety of healing, medicinal and cooking uses has ensured their constant reputation. Several pounds of plant material are required to remove one ounce of essential oil. Essential oils have a variety of uses. Now knowing this, your first step should always be deciding which oil will best suit your needs. I, myself, have used many essentials oils for a number of years and found them to be very beneficial. The oil I have utilized most recently has given astounding results. This oil is cypress; which is a single oil with multiple uses. Some of the uses for cypress is that it relieves cramps, spasms and it helps to strengthen connective tissue.

When I returned from a family trip I began having trouble with lower back pain. I assumed it came from sleeping on a bed with not much support. My back was rubbed with cypress oil before going to bed that night. The next morning I was relieved when the pain had completely left. On a different occasion, more recently, my left knee was swollen and in throbbing pain and there was nothing I had done to cause the pain. Along with my knee, my right foot had begun to bother me. The pain was so intense until it would wake me up and I would have to find a comfortable position to place my foot so that I could get go back to sleep. I finally decided to use cypress oil on both my knee and my foot before going to bed. After applying the oil, I was able to sleep through the night without pain and when I awoke the swelling in my knee was gone. I strongly recommend the essential oils to anyone suffering with pain.

I have had miraculous results using some of the other essential oils. I use them to help me rest as well as relieve anxiety, stress and tension. We have also used essential oils with our grandchildren to help get rid of colds and coughs. As I stated before, essential oils are beneficial and have many uses. In order to obtain similar results as those that I have experienced the oils must be pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. Anything less will probably not produce the same results and in some cases, may be extremely toxic. When using the oils you should be careful as they have been known to cause skin irritation to sensitive skin. There is a mixing oil that can be used with the oils to eliminate this problem. If you are looking for an alternative means to find relief and would like more information on essential oils and their uses, especially cypress, Click Here. However, this is only for people who are really interested in essential oils and the benefits that they provide.