PIPS Technology: Dental Laser Cleaning Method for Root Canal Treatments

July 17, 2023

Pips Technology is a method of cleaning dental debris. The full name of the acronym PIPS is “photon induced photoacoustic streaming.” The method is ideal for cleaning root canal systems and is a relatively recent development in the field of dentistry. The technique has been called revolutionary. And, that is because the cleaning results in disinfection that is so far unrivaled by many other techniques in this field. A study conducted to test the results of disinfecting bacterial mediums showed over 90% success rates with the PIPS method whereas other methods fell significantly shorter than that in their success rates.

The technique itself involves many small components which must be in place for the whole to come together. The laser used in this method is a common one to the field of laser dentistry, the Er: YAG laser. The ER:YAG is attached to a tip with the poly amide sheath removed 3 mm from its end. The tip is small, non ablative and composed of quartz. The energetic output of the laser during this method is small in comparison to its emitted wavelength during other uses because lower energy levels are required to conduct an adequate cleaning. Debris is removed by the simple but intricate operation of combining a series of wave impulses, an irrigation medium and placement of the probe, stationary, in the coronal aspect. With proper placement, the irrigation medium flows three dimensionally through the root canal system. The flow is maintained by the shock impulses emitted from the laser.

PIPS technology allows root canal cleaning that can remove infection, via eliminating bacteria, which results in benefits for the patient; cleaning the root canal system appropriately is an important aspect of a root canal operation and PIPS is able to this exceptionally well. Proper cleaning results in removal of diseased pulp that can cause sensitivity to temperature and pain. This helps to eliminate existing infection in the root canal system. A likely cause of infection is a cavity that has gone without treatment. By the time the decay of a cavity reaches the pulp of the tooth it has already destroyed the enamel and the dentin. And, since antibiotics can only go so far, other treatments are used to remove and replace the damaged pulp. Cleaning the area well is no doubt a key aspect of performing this treatment effectively. Bacteria which remains can nullify the effects of the operation because they key cause of pain, the infected pulp, would be left to cause pain and even spread to other areas in the mouth.

PIPS technology is able to remove the likelihood that infection will remain and the above statistics bring that point home effectively. With these results, it’s no wonder that the method is called revolutionary nor that use of the dental laser which allows it is increasing in the field of dentistry.